Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bucks Lake 2013

The gang gathered around the campfire for our first night- s'more time!

Owen, watching Peter Pan and resting after a fun-filled first day

Jakodi (and the camping staple, Big Mouth Billy Bass)

Some lakeside tunes

Logan, the agreeable son, happy to be at the beach

Jon & Ashley

Logan (all tuckered out from his afternoon at the beach) and SuperDad.  Seamas photobombed.

The kids just being their usual silly selves

We got him into the lake this year!  All that practicing in our pool is paying off, as Owen isn't afraid of the water anymore.  Despite this, he still preferred sitting at the edge of the water and throwing rocks to doing any actual swimming.

And just because it's fun to see how things change...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Play Date


As usual, a play date for Owen is more like time for me to catch up with friends.  Meanwhile, Owen tries to get me to play with him instead of playing with the other kids.



Jeremy was in San Diego this weekend for his annual ComiCon trip, and this was the first year I noticed that Owen reeeally missed him.  But to sweeten the deal, Jeremy promised to bring something home for him from ComiCon.  Owen's request: a big Iron Man action figure.  Jeremy even got suckered into buying him a second toy, a big Magneto action figure.  That's all he talked about all weekend.  I know that Owen was really excited to go pick up Jeremy from the airport, but he was just as excited to pick up that Magneto action figure, too.




We've been trying to take advantage of the walking/biking trails we have right at our doorstep, and I've been having a fun time trying out new paths and walking farther from home now that I have my handy-dandy double stroller.  I hate hate HATE excercise, but walking is the one thing I actually enjoy.  Almost any route we take has ducks that swim in the creek, and today we brought some bread so Owen could feed them.  Here he is (still in his PJs) feeding the eager ducks.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Backyard S'mores



Owen, unfortunately, has inherited my sweet tooth.  Fortunately, the prospect of dessert helps the vegetables get eaten.  Not that we ever use bribery or anything...

Last night we took roasting marshmallows in the backyard a step further and made s'mores.




Logan is pretty precious when he's asleep.  He'd be even more precious if he would sleep flat.  Like in a crib.  But we'll take what we can get, whether it be his swing, rocker, bouncy chair, or car seat.

Friday, July 5, 2013


We're waaaaay up high, and Grammy, Daddy, and Logan are waaaaay down below

This is "Jake" steering the pirate ship (Jeremy gets to be "Cubby," I'm "Izzy," and Grammy is just Grammy).
These are "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" references.  He's not all that into the TV show anymore (thank goodness, because at the height of his interest I had pretty bad morning sickness, and the song still makes me feel like I want to barf), but whenever he gets the urge to play pirates, we all fall into these roles.

All tuckered out, but not quite nap time; right before he yelled at me to stop taking his picture (uh oh, is that what he's going to do now?)

I'm not sure much has changed at Fairyland since my last trip 30 years ago, except maybe some fresh paint. Owen, in his usual fashion, took awhile to warm up to the new place, but once he found a pirate ship to play on, the whale's mouth and the dragon and the waterfall seemed much more alluring.

4th of July

4th of July "fireworks" with Grandpa

me and my little snugglebug

Owen in the sandbox wearing Captain America, the most patriotic of his favorite superheroes

Corn on the cob- one of my favorite summer foods, and it always reminds me of Indiana

Oreo pie (my first try)- a dairy-free, egg-free, nut-free dessert that Owen could eat :)

Logan's first 4th of July, wearing what Owen called the "fireworks headband"

...and one big Popeye smile



I know I should utilize the garden space behind my classroom more often, but I don't.  However, today's Monet lesson begged for some outside sketching time.  I haven't been out there in a reeeeeally long time, and lo and behold it is now a flower and vegetable garden!  I have no clue what this plant is, but I'm guessing it's some kind of vegetable since was right near the lettuce and the pumpkins.  Last year when I did this lesson it was freezing cold, despite the fact that it was July.  This year it was perfect weather, early enough in the day that it hadn't heated up to triple digits yet.