Sunday, March 22, 2015

Our Walks

One of the top reasons I love our neighborhood is the easy access we have to these bike paths. Now that the days are longer I'm excited to get back to weeknight walks.




Wednesday, March 18, 2015

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is one of my favorite times of year to live in Dublin.  The city plans a whole weekend full of Irish-themed festivities.  And I like that our kids are both at ages when they can appreciate this stuff.

This year, Owen and I caught only the end of the St. Patrick's Day parade because he had his tae kwon do class.  Afterwards, we walked a few blocks to watch the parade until it was over.

The next morning we got to see the 5K runners run past our house.  I like to see the variety of runners, starting with the serious runners who are still going strong when they get to our house, followed by the semi-athletic and not-so-serious runners, then the families (those kids and/or strollers slow them down), and then the people who just signed up for fun and who are just walking leisurely.  (Last year I watched the runners from our kitchen as I made pancakes; the irony was not lost on me).

But my favorite part of the festivities is the St. Patrick's Day festival.  You've never seen so much green and Irish stuff in one place, and it's fun to be a part of that.

Me & Logan on the flying elephants; he LOVED this! (Check out the green t-shirt I found from 5th grade!  I think it was part of some kind of reading incentive program because at the bottom it shows that I read 9,500 pages.)

Owen was probably not quite tall enough to ride the Fun Slide by himself (not in an adult's lap), but with a little tippy-toeing near the height chart, he made it through.  From the look on his face (and the fact that this was his second slide in a row) he had fun.  He wore himself out with all the rides, and especially with his favorite thing, the bounce houses.

We came home from the St. Patrick's Day Festival to find some holiday cards and stickers for the boys in our mailbox.  This is how Logan does stickers: he puts each sticker on his shirt, one at at time, and they all end up in one pile.

A few days later, on the real St. Patrick's Day, Owen made a leprechaun hat at preschool and he thought Logan might want one, too.  He came home and decided to grab some construction paper, markers, and scissors and make a hat for his brother.