We're waaaaay up high, and Grammy, Daddy, and Logan are waaaaay down below
This is "Jake" steering the pirate ship (Jeremy gets to be "Cubby," I'm "Izzy," and Grammy is just Grammy).
These are "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" references. He's not all that into the TV show anymore (thank goodness, because at the height of his interest I had pretty bad morning sickness, and the song still makes me feel like I want to barf), but whenever he gets the urge to play pirates, we all fall into these roles.

All tuckered out, but not quite nap time; right before he yelled at me to stop taking his picture (uh oh, is that what he's going to do now?)
I'm not sure much has changed at Fairyland since my last trip 30 years ago, except maybe some fresh paint. Owen, in his usual fashion, took awhile to warm up to the new place, but once he found a pirate ship to play on, the whale's mouth and the dragon and the waterfall seemed much more alluring.
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