Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 55: Shadows

Day 55
I'm definitely in a rut, photographically speaking. Sometimes (most of the time?) it seems like this project is just one extra thing I have to do. That's a good thing because it makes me keep taking pictures. It's a bad thing because I just don't have time sometimes. And with my day-to-day routine of full-time work + a 1 year old, it makes me feel like life is a bit mundane. So here I am seeking out something new, and Sydney got to enjoy it by going on a walk to find something new.

One of my objectives with this 365 was to improve my photography, and I feel like I haven't really explored that yet. For now I just have to ride out this busy time of year and wait till things calm down, and then maybe I'll have time to crack open a photography book or read some blogs or whatever. The good news is that there's always spring break, summer vacation, weekends...

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