At almost 4 years old, Owen's personality is quite the blend of mine and Jeremy's. He takes after both of us in his stubbornness. He likes his quiet time just like I do. And he shares Jeremy's imagination. And something which absolutely breaks my heart and irritates me to no end: he hates having his picture taken. Unless he is dressed up like a superhero.
And since this is a post that captures the essence of Owen, I have to share the little things he says that I've been writing down.
January 7, 2014
While singing, "Robin in the rain, you don't mind the weather. Showers always make you gay..."
Owen: "What does gay mean?"
Jeremy: "Gay means happy."
Owen: "Oh, well I'm gay!"
[short pause while Jeremy and I giggle]
Owen: "I'm gay about this spaceship!" (holds up an X-wing)
He was gay about some other stuff too, but I was too busy laughing about it to remember.
January 16, 2014
From behind the closed bathroom door, shouts: "Mommy, I'm done pooping and I love you!"
January 16, 2014
While scooping chocolate pudding with his hands out of his pudding cup: "Mommy, I'm gonna be a hot mess!"
January 16, 2014 again (this was quite a day)
While talking about sons, husbands, wives, etc:
Owen: "I'm gonna have a wife someday."
Me: "Oh yeah? What will she be like?"
Owen: "She'll be pretty."
Me: "What else?"
Owen: "She'll have long hair. Down to her feet. And she'll make me stuff."
Me: "Like what?"
Owen:"Like cookies. And cake for my birthday!"
Me: "Will she be nice?"
Owen: "Yes. And she'll have a baby in her tummy. And I'll be a daddy."
January 20, 2014
"Mommy, you look like a mountain with hair."
January 21, 2014
"Logan, you can stay with me forever!"
January 21, 2014
Owen: "I found Katelyn to marry!"
Me: "Oh yeah? Why her?"
Owen: "Because she's pretty, and she's nice to me, and I love her."
March 5, 2014
While reading Let's Go, Hugo:
Owen: "Daddy if you ran away from me my whole heart would sink out of me."
April 26, 2014
"I love you as big as a gas giant!"
(We've been reading a book about planets lately.)
This kid is too smart for his own good.