Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Stay-Home St. Patrick's Day Weekend

This is not what we had planned.

Owen's fever came on strong Friday night, and instead of Dublin's St. Patrick's Day parade and festival, it was a dreary, rainy weekend of rest-- TV, movies, iPad, and a Sunday morning trip to the pediatrician-- with Owen parked in his sleeping bag on the floor for a significant chunk of the time.  I know he was disappointed to miss the fun and festivities, but when you have a fever of 104, you don't feel like doing much anyway.  We skipped our traditional green pancakes, but Logan and I still watched the 5K  runners do their thing in the rain.





Did I mention it rained the whole weekend?  Determined to acquire our 2016 souvenir mug to add to our collection, I snuck out to the festival for a few minutes, and it was a ghost town; definitely the opposite of last year when it was sunny and HOT.  I downed a corn dog and a Guinness, watched the Irish dancers in peace with no kids telling me, "Let's goooooo!", and then I went home.

2016-03-12 15.36.27

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