Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 220: Thirty-Five Rolls of Ribbon

Day 220
August 7, 2012: I always get these glorious inspirational moments when I feel the need to organize.  Today it was my fabric/sewing stuff.  I don't even like to sew, but I have all this stuff.  And after not being able to find what I needed when I was working on Owen's aforementioned Star Wars cot, I thought dramatically, enough is enough; one of these days I'll organize it all!  So today pulled everything out, laid it all over the floor in piles, and then...ugh, I didn't feel like doing it anymore.  What a mess!  Unfortunately, once everything is out, you kinda have to put it back.  I threw out a whole bag of junk and made a lot of extra space.  I also found thirty-five rolls of ribbon.  Thirty-five!  Why do I have thirty-five rolls of ribbon?  (Dark blue from our wedding, red with paw prints from Owen's first birthday, lime green from the curtain tie-backs in Owen's room...)  Well now they are all organized in two boxes so maybe if I know what I have, I won't need to buy roll #36 anytime soon.

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