Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 221: Running in a Circle

photo (2) aug
August 8, 2012: Since Jeremy has to work late this month a few nights per week, I thought it would be nice if Owen and I had dinner together at In-N-Out.  Jeremy does not eat hamburgers.  Something about a food poisoning incident while camping many years back.  So no Jeremy for dinner = Pavlovian response of I-want-In-N-Out!  I also know that Owen can eat some things there without an allergic reaction, so that's an added bonus.  I told Owen that we were going to a restaurant for dinner and he was super excited.  He told me he was going to be good for me at the restaurant :) and he totally was.  I let him run around outside afterwards; he loves to "run in a circle" like he did around these outdoor tables.  (Not bad for an iPhone photo, I think.)

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