Saturday, September 29, 2012
Day 272: Superheroes
September 28, 2012: Superheroes are the latest thing. Owen still likes Chip as his security snuggly, but as soon as he gets home, it's all about Hulk, Captain America, and I think the other guy might be a random Power Ranger.
Day 271: Shoes On
September 27, 2012: I got Owen these Crocs so he could play in the summer and get wet or dirty and the shoes would clean off easily. He LOVES these shoes. Don't try to put him in anything else. Best of all, he can get them on and off by himself, which he likes to do.
Day 270: Feet on a Beach
September 26, 2012: Feet on a beach photos are so cliche. Right now I'd rather just be in bed, finally able to go to sleep.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Day 265: Fingers
September 21, 2012: The roots of this tree look like creepy Halloween fingers crawling out of a grave. I don't like icky things like that, but I still think this looks pretty cool.
Day 264: Sunlight
September 20, 2012: It's getting dark much earlier these days. This is the sun down pretty low behind the trees as I was getting home.
Day 263: It's the Thought That Counts
September 19, 2012: This might now be the worst photo of the year, but the idea behind it is a good one. We signed the papers for our house tonight, and next week we'll be homeowners! It was a late night, though. The guy handling all this paperwork was at our house until after 10:30, and yes, that's very late for me.
Day 262: Fall
September 19, 2012: I know it's not officially fall yet, but I guess the tree out in front of my house doesn't know that.
Day 261: Hulk
September 18, 2012: We have a lot of Hulk stuff at our house. And I'd be lying if I said it was all Owen's. One of these items was even a wedding gift.
Day 266: Awake!
September 17, 2012: Owen usually wakes up from his nap ready to get out of his crib, but today he wanted to rest and play in it for awhile. I love his rosy cheeks and messed up hair. And the poster in the background came free with my book order for school. I almost threw it away but then I realized how much Owen would like it-- it has cats and dogs reading books. He chose where to hang it up in his room. On this day we were talking about which cats and dogs were our favorites.
Day 259: Inspection
September 16, 2012: I don't know what that thing in Owen's hands is called, or even what it does. It's something for the TV or the stereo or the computer...I don't know. But somehow it ended up in Owen's room and he loves inspecting it. I almost took it away from him but what's the harm?
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Day 258: Wrestling
September 14, 2012: What a lovely picture of me with Owen's feet on my face. This is how he likes to "wrestle."
Day 257: Star Wars Lunch Box
September 13, 2012: This Star Wars lunch box was a ring bearer gift from Dustin's wedding, but you might as well call it Owen's treasure box. He stuck Batman stickers on the inside and he puts his favorite toys in it. At the wedding, he carried it around and put stuff in, took stuff out, put stuff in, took stuff out, etc. He was so proud of it.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Day 255: Starlight
September 11, 2012: This turtle was a baby shower gift, and now Owen plays with it like a toy. He likes to shine the light on the walls, on me, and on himself.
Day 253: Owen
September 9, 2012: I've waited two weeks to write about this photo, so now I don't even know what was going on. It looks like Owen was watching TV. Any guesses on the show? Jake and the Never Land Pirates, Puss in Boots, Spongebob-- those seem to be the ones in heaviest rotation right now.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Day 252: Pillow Fight
September 8, 2012: We've all been waiting for Troy and Owen to play together and become BFFs, and they finally got the chance to meet. Troy had some toy cars, he was nice enough to share, and Owen was hooked. It all led to a tickle/pillow fight in the lobby of the lodge.
Day 251: Dustin & Victoria's Wedding
Victoria, Dustin, Owen, and Jeremy
Jeremy's boutonniere- pretty and yummy-smelling (Owen ripped his own boutonniere apart a few minutes after putting it on)
I wanted a family picture for our Christmas card, but Owen wouldn't cooperate. At least we're all smiling in this one. Owen was actually pretty cooperative with his tuxedo. He didn't mind wearing the jacket, and he loved his fancy shoes. I hate wearing dresses but I loved this dress; it even had pockets.(And wow, my hair is LONG!)
Day 250: Rehearsal Dinner
September 6, 2012: We missed the rehearsal for Dustin & Victoria's wedding, and it was all my fault, but at least we made it to the dinner here at the Forest House Lodge near Auburn. Here you can see the view from the deck above: friends and family, an Italian buffet, checkered tablecloths, and- my favorite- sunflowers.
Day 249: Rainbow
September 5, 2012: The silver lining to having to be at school tonight was the rainbow in the cloudy sky. I felt a few big drops of rain earlier, but it never actually rained. I guess somewhere it was raining, though.
Day 248: My Initials
September 4, 2012: I must have looked pretty strange coming out of the bathroom at school and pulling out my phone to take a picture of the ground. But when I looked down, I saw my initials spelled out with leaves and twigs that had blown perfectly into place. Wait, those aren't my initials anymore, but it's close enough.
Day 247: Working Tools
September 3, 2012: We had a little mishap with our front door, and we had to get out all the tools to fix it. Owen calls them his "working tools."
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Day 246: Best $5 Grandpa Spent
September 2, 2012: Grandpa got this new play structure at a garage sale for $5. Owen was so excited-- anything he can climb on is destined to be a hit.
Day 245: Funny Face
September 1, 2012: This is what happened. Owen wanted to draw, so Jeremy sat with him at the table while he colored with markers. Then Jeremy decided to draw a funny face on himself with a marker. Owen thought that was hilarious. Me? "Jeremy, we're trying to teach Owen NOT to draw on himself!" (It's a problem.) Fast forward to awhile later...we look over and an unsupervised Owen has begun to draw a funny face on himself. Because he's just like Daddy, and Daddy drew a funny face on himself.
Day 244: Jedi
August 31, 2012: Taking Sydney for a walk is fun when you find light sabers all over the ground. Or at least that's how Owen sees it, because Owen is a Jedi and every stick is a light saber.
Day 243: Toothbrushing
August 30, 2012: Owen's teeth are going to fall out one day. Or they will be rotted with cavities. He does not like toothbrushing time, and he never has. We finally got him to be a little more cooperative by having him stand on a stool in the bathroom so he can look at himself, and then he can spit into the sink when he's done. But he still eats the toothpaste before brushing his teeth, so he still uses baby toothpaste. And he won't really open his mouth to let us actually brush. I'm not sure how much cleaning is actually getting done. Hopefully he inherited his dad's teeth and then he can avoid the dentist for a decade and then go for a cleaning where the dentist says his teeth "look great!" Hopefully.
Day 242: Insomnia
August 29, 2012: My brain doesn't turn off when it's time for bed, especially once school starts again. It was 10:03 when I realized I hadn't taken my photo of the day, and so that's how this sad little photo of my alarm clock came to be. This project has definitely taken a backseat to other things in my life recently, which is why you'll see a lot of not-very-well-thought-out iPhone photos lately. I thought this one would surely win the prize for Worst Photo of the Year, but I think I redeemed myself with at least a little with some creative and insightful Photoshopping.
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