Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 243: Toothbrushing

Day 243
August 30, 2012: Owen's teeth are going to fall out one day.  Or they will be rotted with cavities.  He does not like toothbrushing time, and he never has.  We finally got him to be a little more cooperative by having him stand on a stool in the bathroom so he can look at himself, and then he can spit into the sink when he's done.  But he still eats the toothpaste before brushing his teeth, so he still uses baby toothpaste.  And he won't really open his mouth to let us actually brush.  I'm not sure how much cleaning is actually getting done.  Hopefully he inherited his dad's teeth and then he can avoid the dentist for a decade and then go for a cleaning where the dentist says his teeth "look great!"  Hopefully.

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