Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 251: Dustin & Victoria's Wedding

Day 251d
my two handsome boys- the ring bearer and the best man

Day 251
orchids and candles lining the aisle

Day 251 b
Victoria, Dustin, Owen, and Jeremy

Day 251e
Jeremy's boutonniere- pretty and yummy-smelling (Owen ripped his own boutonniere apart a few minutes after putting it on)

Day 251c
I wanted a family picture for our Christmas card, but Owen wouldn't cooperate.  At least we're all smiling in this one.  Owen was actually pretty cooperative with his tuxedo.  He didn't mind wearing the jacket, and he loved his fancy shoes.  I hate wearing dresses but I loved this dress; it even had pockets.(And wow, my hair is LONG!)

Day 251f 
Since the reception location is a weddings-only place, there were all kinds of little weddingy touches, like these words on the steps leading up to the lodge from the patio downstairs. 

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