May 27, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
7 Weeks Old
May 29, 2013
Logan's personality is starting to come alive. Above all, he is a snuggler; he LOVES being held. He spends most of his waking hours in my arms or in the baby carrier while I try to get things done around the house. This week he has started smiling much more, and he is also trying to grasp (mostly just the air). Logan loves his big brother. He totally wakes up and becomes alert around him. And Owen loves him right back, always saying, "Hiiii, Logan!" and giving his opinion on how to get Logan to stop crying. (Oddly enough, he is usually right.)
All Lined Up
Owen thought of a different way to use his chalk-- lining them up in the crack in the cement on our patio. The weather has been so nice that Owen has been playing outside and entertaining himself for looooong stretches of time.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Sand Box
Photo Shoot
I needed something for Logan's birth announcements, and I got to test out my new big-girl camera. Love love love my Canon 6D!!!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
11 Days Old
April 21, 2013
Logan is already being trained to love superheroes, as you can see by the quilt laid down underneath him. The quilt, a gift made by a friend of Logan's Grammy, has fabric with vintage Marvel comic book covers. Owen thinks it is theirs to "share," but he already got a Star Wars one when he was born.
Logan is already being trained to love superheroes, as you can see by the quilt laid down underneath him. The quilt, a gift made by a friend of Logan's Grammy, has fabric with vintage Marvel comic book covers. Owen thinks it is theirs to "share," but he already got a Star Wars one when he was born.
April 10, 2013
Welcome Logan Davis, the newest arrival in the Saliba family. This birthing experience was so much better (read: shorter and easier) than the first one, and to top it off, Logan was a pound and a half smaller than Owen was. Once I had the epidural, I could almost say I enjoyed it.
Now our family is complete. I can't believe I have two little boys! I'm definitely outnumbered, and I foresee a testosterone-filled future full of superheroes, fart jokes, and weird smells, but I know my boys will take care of me.
10 Inches
April 1, 2013
More than two years in progress, my plan to dramatically cut my hair and donate it to Locks of Love finally came to fruition today. A few years ago, after having shoulder-length hair for awhile, I missed my long hair and I wanted to grow it out again, something I knew Jeremy would love, too. I set a goal that I would grow it out until my next baby, and then cut off 10 inches to donate, which is the minimum required by Locks of Love. I had some teary, anxious moments in the days leading up to my hair appointment; who knew I was so emotionally attached to my hair? But instead of chickening out, I looked at the Locks of Love website and thought about kids who have lost their hair for whatever reason, and it put things back into perspective. I almost cried at the salon, but once the first cut was made, I was fine.
Owen's Sick Day
After my 365, I needed a break. I barely picked up my camera for months. Now I'm a little rusty, but I realized that I kinda miss it. So here I am, attempting to catch up on the past few months. Starting with...
March 4, 2013: Owen's sick day
Owen stayed home from daycare because he was sick, and I took the day off work to stay home with him. It started out as just a little cold and cough, and we spent a fun day playing together (here he was watching the landscapers outside). But things got worse and the day ended with a trip to the ER later that night when he couldn't stop coughing and wasn't able to breathe. The ER doctor said Owen was his favorite patient all day-- they talked superheroes and Owen got to ride through the room on a rolling stool. He got some steroids and we went home, but it took him the whole rest of the week to get better.
March 4, 2013: Owen's sick day
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