Tuesday, May 21, 2013

10 Inches

April 1, 2013


More than two years in progress, my plan to dramatically cut my hair and donate it to Locks of Love finally came to fruition today.  A few years ago, after having shoulder-length hair for awhile, I missed my long hair and I wanted to grow it out again, something I knew Jeremy would love, too.  I set a goal that I would grow it out until my next baby, and then cut off 10 inches to donate, which is the minimum required by Locks of Love.  I had some teary, anxious moments in the days leading up to my hair appointment; who knew I was so emotionally attached to my hair?  But instead of chickening out, I looked at the Locks of Love website and thought about kids who have lost their hair for whatever reason, and it put things back into perspective.  I almost cried at the salon, but once the first cut was made, I was fine.

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