Monday, June 24, 2013

Home Again


*Sigh.* My first day back at work.  I have been dreading this for awhile now, but the inevitable day finally came today.  It was pretty tough to leave Logan at daycare for the first time, as much as I knew everything would be fine (he would have fun, he would be with his big brother, etc., etc., etc.).  Yesterday was even worse-- not only did I have my usual "Last Day of Vacation Before Going Back to Work" blues, but I was also all weepy at the thought of leaving Logan behind.  In some ways it was even harder than when I had to leave Owen the first time.

On the outside looking in, it's actually kind of a nice situation.  I'm teaching Summer Enrichment, which means I'm only working half-days, it's only for four weeks, and I'm teaching art.  That's not a bad way to ease myself back into work.  On the other hand, no matter how you look at it, I still don't get to be with my little baby.

Now that my first day of work is behind me (only 17 more to go!) it really wasn't so bad.  Logan slept at daycare most of the morning and was a happy baby the rest of the time.  I have a nice group of kids in my class, I'm getting out and interacting with the world, and I get to teach art!  To be honest, when I'm teaching, my mind is so busy that I don't have time to think about much else most of the time.  But it sure was nice to be home again this afternoon.  This is a photo of Logan being kicky, smiley, and cooey on our bed when we got home.

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