Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Almost, But Not Quite


Owen has grown at least a few inches in the past few months.  We haven't been keeping track, but at his 3-year-old well check last week, he was measured at 37 inches tall.  A few months ago, he wasn't quite tall enough to ride the rides at the zoo (36 inches) but now he can.  He can reach the water faucet in the bathroom sink when he stands on a stool, and it's soooo nice not to have to lift him up anymore.  All of a sudden he must have hit a growth spurt.  But he's still a little too short for other this water fountain at the park.  (Notice his tippy toes.)

In an unrelated story, here was a conversation I had with Owen this afternoon after he scratched his fingernails on my car (again) leaving marks on the paint (again).
Me: Owen, please don't scratch the car.  See?  It leaves marks that never ever come off.  It ruins the car.
Owen: Mommy, you just gotta go get some tape.
Me: Some tape?
Owen: Yeah, tape will fix it right up.
Me: You think tape will fix it?
Owen: Yeah, but you have to just press it on.  Just press it on.  That'll fix it.

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