Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 324: Anakin

Day 325
November 20, 2012: Before there was Owen, and even before Sydney, there was Anakin the umbrella plant.  Jeremy and I bought it back in 1998.  I don't remember the exact circumstances, but I think it was something we bought together and took care of together, and Jeremy came up with the Star Wars name.  When I moved to San Diego, I brought Anakin with me to remember Jeremy by.  I remember flying back home for a holiday and bringing it with me on the plane.  Like, in my lap.  Why?  I have no idea.  I guess I thought it couldn't last a few days without me.  At the time it was a little tiny thing, and now it's about four feet tall.  It's been around for almost 15 years, lived in 7 different homes, and whenever I'm sure it's about to die, it surprises me with its resiliency and comes back to life with more tiny little leaves. 

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