Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 304: Halloween

Day 304
October 31, 2012: I am so bad at taking pictures sometimes.  But my excuse this time is that I was at work, and I couldn't really take pictures, take care of Owen, and watch my rowdy second graders to make sure they weren't beating each other up or burning down the school or something (not that they'd ever do that).  So this is a stolen picture (thanks, Mom) of my little Spiderman.  He wore his mask for a few minutes and then he was done, but he still looks like Spidey even without the mask.  We've actually gotten good use out of the costume.  He wore it to "Boo at the Zoo," daycare, my Halloween parade at school, and a few times around the house.  Last night he wore it for 10 minutes and just stood in front of the mirror looking at himself the whole time.  It must be the muscles.  They're pretty awesome.

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