Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 337: Fleeting Inspiration

Day 337
December 2, 2012: A few months ago, when the weather was warm and I was on summer vacation, I thought, Hey, I should grow my own herbs!  So I went out and bought a fancy pot and a bunch of herbs, and Owen and I planted them together, the whole time anticipating all the yummy foods I would spice up with said herbs.  Then I got pregnant and didn't want to taste much of anything, let alone something with a strong flavor or smell.  Add to that the fact that school started and I was suffering first trimester exhaustion, I ended up with a fancy pot full of shriveled up dead herbs, severely neglected.  The recent rain has made my basil magically reappear, but it's a crippled, pale basil, not something I want to put on anything I'm going to eat.

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