Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 190: Jolly Holiday

Day 190 vintage2

You wouldn't believe how amazing this was unless you were actually there...

This was a Mary Poppins themed birthday party for 4-year-old Lola, and that's her on the carousel dressed up as Mary Poppins. (Her brother was dressed as Bert.) The theme was carried out immaculately and in every imaginable way, with kite-making, sidewalk chalk drawing, carousel rides, little penguins on all the picnic tables, even an appearance by a real-life Mary Poppins (word on the street is that she used to be a real Disneyland Mary Poppins). You might say that the attention to detail was practically perfect in every way.

I've been taking a Photoshop class, and this was obviously Photoshopped, but I thought the vintage look complemented the occasion.

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