Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 203: Stairs

Day 203
Jeremy got a random text from his old friend Joe asking us if we wanted to meet up at the Oakland Zoo.  I can't even remember the last time we saw Joe and his wife, Rachel.  It was definitely pre-kids, which means it was probably about 4 years ago.  Owen was excited to meet two new friends, Kyle (3) and Connor (4 months).  In typical Owen fashion, he just wanted to be wherever we already were, and didn't ever really want to move on to something else.  He climbed these stairs all by himself to the "Leaping Lemur" exhibit (which should be called "Sleeping Lemurs" instead, since they are always hiding-- buh dum chhh!) It was a pretty typical zoo trip, made a little extra fun since we got to see some old friends. 

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