Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 204: Drying Off

Day 204
The weather has finally been hot enough to enjoy our (unheated) pool.  We are definitely high-maintenance when it comes to the pool, weighted down with a beach bag, towels, water noodle, life jacket, floaty boat, water shoes, etc.  I'm glad that Owen is having so much fun "swimming," because I think it's important for him to feel comfortable in the water.  Maybe in the next few years we'll do swimming lessons, but in the meantime, we just splash around and play in the water.  He loves it!  Yesterday he stayed in the pool too long and he got so cold that his teeth were chattering, but he still didn't want to get out.  Today he didn't let that happen, and he got out of the pool all snuggly-warm with Jeremy's Spiderman beach towel.

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