Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 196: Wheeeeee!

Day 196
With Jeremy being gone at Comic-Con, Owen and I have been walking Sydney by ourselves on our normal route, the bike path near our house.  Unfortunately that path leads right to the park with the playground Owen loves, and with Sydney in tow, the playground hasn't been an option.  Telling a 2-year-old that we're going to walk past the park and not play on the playground...well, you can imagine the response I got.  But I did promise him that we would go to a park later on, and so we did.

We went to a different park with new, fun things to play on.  Owen was pumped!  He has no fear when it comes to the play structures.  He walked right past the "age 2-5" play area and dove in to the big-kid stuff, moving through it all at warp speed.  I am impressed at how quickly he can climb to the top, and he tackled the big twisty slide like a pro.

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