Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 199: Habitot

Day 199b
I won't focus on the fact that instead of taking 40 minutes to get here, it took an hour and 40 minutes (road work on Ashby), or that after driving around the block several times to find the poorly-signed entrance, we couldn't find parking.  When we finally arrived at Habitot, Owen and I were both pretty cranky.  The important thing, though, is that Owen had a blast.  He wanted to play with everything-- the rocket ship, the art room, the play store, the toddler climbing/reading room, and most of all, the water play area.  When they closed at 12:30, I had to carry him outside, tossed over my shoulder, kicking, screaming, tantrum-throwing.  As we crossed Shattuck to head back to the parking garage, I tried to maintain my inner-calm, and then Owen saw a cat strapped to the back of a bike, said, "Kitty!" and all was well.

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